About Lacey
Lacey was a single mother for over 15 years. Before she became a mother, and through her teen years, she would have people asking her about different situations in their lives and how to make them better. She decided after many years to do this for a living; helping others to get where they wanted and change their lives.

For many years Lacey worked in the corporate world as an Optician, Mortgage Banker, Insurance Agent, Administrative Assistant, and office help. Throughout this time, she found herself doing the same things as she wanted to do, just in different ways that were associated with the current position. Either way, she was helping people to change their lives, and make them better.

Lacey has been working to build her clientele, and has done work for free over the years, and has now opened her own business that is tailored to her clients needs. If you are not sure if she can help you, just ask her by contacting her and/or filling out the questions page. 
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